Category: major

McCain Neck-Deep in K Street Sewer

Earlier this year, John McCain tried to defend the fact that his presidential campaign was jam-packed with lobbyists: [T]hey’re honorable people, and I’m proud to have them as part of my team. … The right to represent interests of groups…

Lorain County Parks Adds Boat Trail

This summer, Lorain County (Ohio) Metro Parks will add a 27-mile (43 km) long water trail for canoes, kayaks and other paddle boats.x1 The trail starts at the park system’s Vermilion River Reservation, goes down the Vermilion River to Lake…

Bush Impeachment Crimes Will Not Be Buried

Two weeks ago Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) brought an impeachment resolution against President George W. Bush to the House floor.x30x31 It took him nearly five hours to read the resolution’s 35 articles.x32 Each article charges Bush with a criminal act,…