Category: minor

Mainstream Daily News Still on the Job

Despite cutbacks and financial stress in the industry, the mainstream daily news is still on the job, reporting on public corruption.

Michigan issues manslaughter charges in Flint water crisis. Koch donors get tough with “Freedom” Caucus. Dow Chemical pulls strings at EPA. Fed court tells EPA to enact methane drilling rule now!

Paul Simon Gives Tour de Force and a Sermonette

In a concert at the riverside pavilion in Cleveland, Paul Simon gave the crowd a tour de force of songs. And he gave a sermonette: “Anger is addictive. And we are becoming a nation of addicts. Ask yourself, … Who are the pushers? Where is that anger coming from?”

Basic Reason to Block Trump SCOTUS Pick: Justice

Republican senators shirked their Constitutional duty by denying, for nearly a year, even a hearing to Merrick Garland, President Obama’s pick for this Supreme Court seat. They should not now be rewarded by getting to seat their own Supreme Court judge — not Gorsuch, nor any other.