Year: 2006

A Simple Censure is Warranted

The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing Friday on a resolution to censure President Bush for his domestic warrantless wiretapping program1. The censure would be only a slap on the wrist, but would serve notice that the Senate is watching…

Towards the Center of the Milky Way

In 1783 Rev. John Mitchell put forth the idea of a dark star, one with such gravity that light could not escape it1. But after Thomas Young showed that light acts as a wave, rather than particles, the idea lay…

Helen Keller in Her Own Words

A fever took Helen Keller’s sight and hearing at the age of one-and-a-half. On March 3, 1887, when Keller was six, a teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to stay at her house. Sullivan taught Keller language by spelling into her hand.…