Tag: corruption

One Day of Trump Administration Corruption

How corrupt is the Trump Administration? To answer that, one could start by digging into a topic such as foreign emoluments or regulatory capture. Or one could just follow the news of the day. For example, let’s take the news of just yesterday, March 13, 2018 …

Mainstream Daily News Still on the Job

Despite cutbacks and financial stress in the industry, the mainstream daily news is still on the job, reporting on public corruption.

Michigan issues manslaughter charges in Flint water crisis. Koch donors get tough with “Freedom” Caucus. Dow Chemical pulls strings at EPA. Fed court tells EPA to enact methane drilling rule now!

Progressivism: The Practical Center

(Analysis.) When we think of the full political spectrum, from pure socialism on the left to unbridled capitalism on the right, we find progressivism at the center – not the left, as is commonly thought. Under socialism, the people own the …